What we did this week:

The most apparent difference you notice will be the complete change in blog. I think it was apparent that blogster was not a good choice in blog choice.

We did some initial stress analysis on the new frame design vs the old, and determined that aluminum would be a better option than wood for durability factor.  MEDIA

We met up on Sunday to start the redesign phase of our project. It was expressed that we needed to modify the existing design Tyler made to meet the design requirements of our client.  To recap:

Frame Material: The current frame is designed with wood. After doing some stress test's, we decided to go with a thin aluminum frame. This makes the 3-D printer more durable and less chance of rotting. 

Frame Design: Since we are changing the material of the frame anyways, we figured we can change the design of it too. The problem we are having is placement of the electronic components, such as power supply and the switchboard. With a new frame, we can encompass a base to set these things in and place it.

Table: The table is going to be changed into aluminum as well instead of wood. This can allow for less rot as well a higher heating capacity in the material because we want to add a heating element to the table.

Fans: We plan on adding two types of fans to the design; one for the fumes (for removing air from the system), and for the extruders (to cool the material quicker). 

Roller: The roller would work better if we move them to the side for better balance.

Motors: Possibly changing to one motor instead of two motors. This would require a stronger motor but would give it a cleaner look/less weight.

Belt/Cogs: Redesigning the type of belt/cogs with a different type of pitch would be ideal because the current design doesn't create a solid enough grip, which slips when moving. Another part would be to use Idlers instead of washers so that they don't fall off as much.

Limit Switches: For the motors and moving parts to determine when the parts reach a certain part, and set that limit to be 0. This is needed to prevent the parts from moving too far in a certain direction, or to recalibrate to 0.

What we plan to do this week:

    This week we plan on getting some drawings done with the new design components and finishing up a more detailed PDS and Gantt Chart to reflect our new design. Since we are working with a new blog, some more changes are needed to make it up to date.

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