What we did this week:
Our electronics came in:

1 xPololu A4988 Stepper Motor Driver, non-assembled, RoHS, 5 pack - $40.00 

1 xTosduino MEGA 2560 - $30.00 

1 xRAMPS 1.4 Assembled, w/o Wires or Connectors - $45.00 

were all ordered from Lulzbot.

The PSU was ordered from Newegg
1 x ($69.99) Thermaltake Tough Power TP-750P 750W ATX 12V 2.3 $69.99

We also determined the Delrin to use and what sheet to buy.

We talked to the company that laser cut our last gear, and they said they can do it for $50/hr. That is because it takes more care and is more flammable than acrylic. 

What we are doing this week.
Today we plan on assembling the electronics we just got, and ordering the Delrin, as well as the plastic for the extruder. When we get the Delrin, we are going to get it laser cut, and then put it on our aluminum gear. We also need to assemble the heat bulb

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